Poster: David Helwig. My cup in hand. Kingston, On. Quarry Press [196-?]
Leonard Cohen, 1934- . Beautiful losers. Book design by Frank Newfeld. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1966. New Canadian Library ; no. 153.
George Herbert Clarke, 1873-1953. Selected poems of George Herbert Clarke / edited with a foreword by George Whalley ; with a general introduction by William O. Raymond. Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1954.
George Whalley, 1915-1983. The Artist and reality. Cataraqui review, vol. 1, no. 2. Kingston, Ont., summer 1951.
Catherine Parr Strickland Traill, 1802-1899. Canadian wildflowers / painted and lithographed by Agnes Fitzgibbon, with botanical descriptions by C.P. Traill. Montreal : J. Lovell, 1869.
Charles George Douglas Roberts, 1860-1943. Orion, and other poems. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1880.
George Herbert Clarke, 1873-1953. Halt and parley, and other poems. Toronto : Macmillan, 1934. Presented by Padre A.M. Laverty.
Glenn Willmott. Modern animalism : habitats of scarcity and wealth in comics and literature. Toronto ; Buffalo : University of Toronto Press , c2012.
William John Barnes, d. 1992. Complex variables : poems and music. Edited by David Helwig and Peter Taylor. Kingston, Ont. : Quarry Press, 1994.
Laura J. Murray, 1965- . Canadian copyright : a citizen’s guide. Laura J. Murray & Samuel E. Trosow. 2nd ed. Toronto : Between the Lines, 2013.